Google Local Results Showing Query Specific Data, Like Hours, Reviews, Phone & Address

Google Local Results Showing Query Specific Data, Like Hours, Reviews, Phone & Address

by  for SEO RoundTable

If you search in Google for local businesses and get even more specific, such as ask for their reviews, phone number, address, hours of operation and so on, Google will now give you that information in the local box. Google did give you this information previously as a featured snippet form, not in the local box, but now it seems to be part of the local box.

Sergey Alakov posted it on Twitter and Mike Blumenthal agreed that some of this is new since the past few weeks.

I think the new part is that it is now directly in the local knowledge panel.

Here are some screen shots:

Query: [local business name + hours]:
Query: [local business name + address]:
Query: [local business name + reviews]:

Query: [local business name + phone number]:

Here is the main listing and I really need to get Google to stop showing a picture of me in Google Glass for our featured photo:

Interesting that the hours one shows an app pack below but that is for another story.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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